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Generative AI
for every organization

DONNAJAMES is a user-friendly AI platform that enables every organization to use the power of AI. In addition to ease of use, data & privacy are our number 1 priority: we deliver SAAS and AI on-premise.


We work for everyone and every department. From recruitment, insurers, notaries or individual trainers: our solution helps you work more efficiently and smarter, so that you can do more in less time.

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No AI buzzword bingo with us: we focus on knowledge, training, implementation and practice.

Anand Jansen - founder of DONNAJAMES

Important basics

DONNAJAMES uses an EU-hosted, hybrid cloud environment from AWS, ensuring we meet the highest data and security requirements. Our solution can also be realized on-premise behind VPN tunnels, firewalls and logins.


We use language models such as Claude, LLAMA3, Gemini-pro and ChatGPT-4o.


Thanks to our licensing structure (API and/or enterprise licenses), no data is stored by the language model providers. For more information about data and security, we are happy to discuss your needs and can meet any request.

Clear and fixed costs

No large IT budgets, no surprises.


A fixed annual amount for a safe and personal AI environment


+ a fixed amount per employee per year, based on usage


Also customized processes for a fixed amount per process per year

JAIMS example
Wounded helper chatbot Defense screenshot

Practical examples


Retention of medical protocols


Summarize transcripts of conversations, identify action items and archive them


Talking to large documents


Automatically matching vacancies with candidates


Personalized sales strategies


Produce marketing content three times faster

the word

"All my call notes summarized, including actions and agenda saves so much time!"

Profile: AIMS International is an international 'executive recruitment & talent management' organization. Many processes are labor intensive and repetitive.

Hendrik-Jan Guitink AIMS Netherlands Managing partner

Hendrik-Jan Guitink
Managing Partner AIMS International NL


Integrations with Access, Excel database, ERP, CRM and own data: everything is possible.

Our standard solution is very powerful, but every organization is unique. During our design sessions we map your work processes so that repetitive and simple tasks are automated with AI.

This gives your employees more time to focus on what they are really good at: helping and satisfying customers.

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