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More than 25 tools in our standard chatbot

An organizational chatbot based on Generative AI is the best assistant you can imagine. Our standard solution is incredibly powerful.

We offer your organization 'the only AI subscription you will ever need'. An internal, secure and fully functioning chatbot à la ChatGPT 4. This chatbot can communicate with documents that you upload yourself.

From writing emails, coming up with concepts and structuring information to summarizing complex matters and querying documents. We have already set up 50 different tools for you, so you can get off to a flying start.


Step 1
The assistant

You always get a ChatGPT-4-like environment that similarly helps you with daily tasks, querying documents, writing emails, and so on. But safely on your own servers.

This already saves a lot of work. In addition, if you wish, we can link this chatbot to your internal documents. This allows you to always find everything and in fact consult the entire brain of your organization. Including reference to the source documents, of course.


Step 2
Training & Implementation

AI is as smart as you can make it. Learning to work with AI is crucial for good implementation and adoption, from prompt engineering to automation.

We have a lot of experience in training, workshops and workplace learning. We ensure that everyone can use this new technology quickly and effectively before you continue with automation. That's why we start with a chatbot and then move on to customization: step 3. Think of it like a house: without foundation, no stability!


Step 3
Workflows &

It gets really interesting when we analyze your processes together and create customized workflows for this. This means that we can automate everything that is easy and repetitive with AI. Sound incredible? It is.

During design sessions we dive deep into internal processes and identify opportunities for AI applications. Always tailor-made, in consultation and step by step.


Step 4
Data, workflows and skilled people

When do you benefit most from AI? If you connect all your internal systems, share data and use AI to make optimal use of them. People remain the key factor in this whole.

We take this step last. The implementation and adoption of the previous steps is crucial to success. AI is not a panacea, but an IT project with superpowers.

What do we do differently?

Our approach is unique because we focus not only on technology, but also on people.

We not only offer advanced AI solutions, but also personal guidance and support that helps the organization and team to implement and utilize them in the best way.

F rom keynotes and workshops to extensive implementation processes supported with e-learning, we do it all.

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