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Our people

Meet the DONNAJAMES team. Our team will guide you from start to finish. We are only satisfied when you are.

We are SME,
we are there for SMEs


Our approach at DONNAJAMES is unique in that we focus on both technology and people. We understand the challenges of SMEs and offer advanced AI solutions combined with personal guidance to optimally implement and utilize them.


Our AI solutions are tailor-made and integrated with generative language models and advanced search technologies such as Retrieval Augmented Generation and AI Agents. Whether it concerns HR, Finance, Compliance, Marketing, Sales or Back Office, our systems make your team more efficient and productive.


Unlike generic AI platforms, our models are tailored to the specific needs of smaller companies. We provide secure data, information tailored to your niche and organization, and always consistent and accurate answers.


Do you want to future-proof your SME with AI? Book a no-obligation introductory meeting and discover how DONNAJAMES can help your organization move forward with AI and personal support.

Our mission

We want AI to be accessible to everyone, at a fair price. Our passion lies with SMEs, where our efforts deliver direct results for our customers.


Large companies with complicated processes are not our focus. We connect with real entrepreneurs who tackle every day and want to make a difference.

With generative AI, we help SME organizations increase their productivity by 25% and improve the quality of their services by 40%. For us, this means adding value and recognizing that our contribution really makes a difference.


The people

The team behind DONNAJAMES is based on many years of relationships. We always find each other in a people-oriented approach and a focus on growth and flourishing.

Our individual expertise extends from executive coaching and board positions to interim management, software development, learning & development and business economics.

We also share a passion for challenges outside the workplace, such as golf and extreme endurance sports.

But what we find really special about each other is our proven track record. There is a strong mutual respect for each other. Each member of the team brings a unique blend of expertise and energy, making us an unbeatable force together.



We would like to get to know each other over a cup of coffee. With you or with us.

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